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San Sossio Baronia | Scampitella | Vallata | Vallesaccarda Town of Vallata
The country is of medieval origin like testifies the numerous bottlenecks, little squares, ancient palaces and portals in stone. Comprised in the Barony of Vico, it was feud of Del Balzo, of Poderico and of Orsini.
The S. Bartolomeo Church, of four hundred, has been rifared between the XVI and XVII century. The portal of income is of 1568. To the inside marble altars, 4 urns of the 1725 containing relics of S. Vito and S. Felice, a painting of the 1627 representing S. Bartolomeo are found.
Characteristic is the representation of the passion and the dead of Jesus of the Good Friday.
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Castel Baronia |
Flumeri |
San Nicola Baronia
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